Thursday, July 28, 2011

And, I'm off!

Hi Friends!

In two days at this time, I will be in New York (find out my plan for NY in this post)! Woohoo, I can't believe how fast it has arrived. Needless to say, these last cherished moments in the northwest I won't spend blogging or even on the computer at all--I'll be spending them with the people I love most, my family! I have plans to golf and go to the batting cages with my brothers and Grandma, some delicious dinners and lots of quality time just being together. I can't wait!

we have a good time together :)
The next blog post I write will be New York written! I'll try to post pictures of my apartment as soon as possible! Thank you for your support through this transition, I so appreciate it!

Farewell Oregon, I will miss you! 

Ta-ta for now! I'll see you on the flip-side (of the country that is ;) )


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

words of encouragement Tuesday!

"Speak from that place in your heart where you are most yourself. Speak directly, simply, lovingly, gently, without any apologies. Tell us what you see and want us to see; tell us what you hear and want us to hear... Trust your own heart. The words will come. There is nothing to fear. Those who need you most will help you the most." --page 25 from Life of the Beloved by Henry Nouwen

Friends, after reading these words, my heart pitter patted a bit faster. It was as though the writer of these words was speaking directly to me. These words were spoken to Henry Nouwen as he began to write the moving book Life of the Beloved. And these words speak to me, reminding me that the most beautiful thing any of us can do is truly be ourselves. This quote encourages me to be none other than me. And there is something truly refreshing about being who we were created to be. 

I hope you, too, are encouraged by these words.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is my dear daddio's birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Dad!

Knee deep in getting ready to move to New York, I have been blessed over the last week to be able to spend some good chunks of time with my dad. I think he and I both can agree that we'd always like to be able to spend more time together than we have been able to over my 23 years. So these last couple months have been especially sweet with our increased amount of quality time together.

Here are some reasons that I am particularly thankful for my dad.

He is...

Totally reliable--He is there when I need him. I have experienced this in so many practical ways over the last couple of months. In a phone call of (mini) crisis he answers and talks me through whatever my stress at the moment is. Thank you, Dad!

Problem solver--researcher. He does the work or research to know how to answer life questions I have and find really practical solutions for them.

He loves me, and he prays for me. I know my daddio loves me--first off, he tells me he does and secondly, I can tell he does by how he tries to protect me from life's snares (and by how much he worries about me). He also consistently prays for me, which I find such a powerful way to demonstrate love.

I love you, Daddy and am so thankful that I got to celebrate your birthday with you today!


Friday, July 15, 2011

so long sweet kitty, and so much more

Hi friends,

These past couple of weeks have begun the final closing to my childhood. (I sound pretty dramatic, right?! but hear me out!)

I have sold my childhood dresser, the bed from my childhood room and the car I learned to drive on.

I have sorted through mounds and mounds of stuff, and have in many ways cleansed myself of material items, keeping only that which holds the most importance and value.

I have said goodbye to children who will grow up, and positions that will be filled. I have said goodbye to wonderful friends, who I really will cherish forever.

And, last and most sadly, my sweet kitty-cat, Croissant, passed away this last Wednesday, from what we assume to be a coyote attack.

This cat was something special. I found him in a barn at a bbq back when I was 8 years old and begged my mom to let me take him home. Being rejected by our other two cats, we placed him in the guinea pig cage for safe keeping, where he happily lived most of his kitten life. Two years later, he went missing for 10 long days and came back on my 10th birthday! A couple years back we had to get him a lion cut because of matts, and boy was he CUTE (and self conscious). Without getting too sappy, let me just say this cat was my "little man." He carried himself with a tough guy attitude, but let himself get all lovey in my lap. I loved this cat for 15 years of my life and he was the last of my childhood pets to pass away.

It truly is an end of an era. Childhood no more, as I prepare for my move in 14 short days to New York. I am leaving Seattle tomorrow (Saturday) and will be home (relative term now, I suppose) in Portland for the next two weeks.

Time is flying and I feel like grown-up hood is sneaking up on me! I've made a committment though, to have more fun and keep that kid at heart alive!

I am sad at what I am stepping away from but excited for the journey ahead and the new phases of life I am entering into.


Saturday, July 9, 2011


Hi friends,
Let me explain my lack of blogging this last week (and likely this upcoming week too!) .... Well, my room is a mess, my mind is a mixture of running a million miles an hour and all over the place and I am knee deep in packing with seven days left in Seattle.

It has been a cleansing process, an exhausting process and well, I guess just a long process on top of all the other things that go along with leaving an apartment, a city and a job. 

But, my friends, it is good.

I hope you are well after a short week following the 4th of July! 
