Monday, January 31, 2011

when you need a good day.

After so enjoying Teryll's company here in Seattle for a brief bit of time Friday evening and Saturday morning, I stumbled into one of most lonely weekends yet. Usually I plan well, so even when I don't have much to do, I am busy and having fun. No such luck this weekend. It was lonely and rough for some other reasons and well, just plain skinky.

Needless to say, this morning, I needed a good morning.

And you know what? That's what I got!  Even when I'm grumpy and not loving Jesus the way he deserves to be loved (not that I really ever do anyways) he knows what we need when we need it, and boy did he provide for me this morning!

Colorful Hands was possibly the best Colorful Hands I've had to date. We had all twelve kiddos there and everyone was totally into it. Ellie started off the morning making some delicious coffee. Soon came in the kiddos, each and every one and while they piled in I got to read a fun story called "The Wooly Wombat." We sang our good morning song and everyone participated and then... I got to read "Green Eggs and Ham" my favorite children's book of all time.

The morning proceeded with positive energy and enthusiasm. Kids were sharing and helping others and really getting into the small group activity of threading strings through buttons. During our free play time, each kid took initiative and played with many different activities--it was great to see this!
Action shot!

(the parents of the girl to the left of me wish to keep photos of her for private use only, thus I have blurred her face to respect their wishes.)
Look at our button necklaces!
Our next activity was EPIC. As a large group activity we had a newspaper snow ball fight. A newspaper snowball fight involves crumpling up newspaper into balls and tossing them at each other. It is a great way to release aggression in a positive way, and it is a ton of fun. Some of the kiddos who tend to be more shy participated with huge grins. It was so sweet to see. And, the snow ball fight went on for at least 10 minutes, this is hours in preschool time. We ended our day singing "If you're happy and you know it" with each kid actually singing, clapping, stomping and shouting hooray. You have no idea what a blessing these little pieces of participation can be. We all looked at books while the parents picked up their kids, and I just sat their and smiled. It was a seemingly perfect  morning. Just what I needed.

Ever have days like those?

ps how cute are these shoes??  ... especially being that they belong to a FOUR year old!

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