I usually write a list a mile long of things I want to work on and like many others, I don't often follow through on all of them. Perhaps writing these for the public to see will add an element of accountability this year?
This year, I have been thinking about what I want to work on for the last couple of weeks--concrete things coupled with slow process character things.
1. study for the GRE and take the GRE before 2012
I plan to go to graduate school within the next five years. GRE scores are good for five years, and I'd like to get this out of the way, no reason not--especially when the longer I wait to study and test, the longer it will have been since I have study and tested.
2. create more intentional lunch bags to give to the homeless
I long have carried a costco size box of granola bars around in my car to give out to people standing on street corners asking for money or food. Because as of now, my only luxury purchases are food purchases (thank you federal government and ebt cards!) I would like to use my resources to provide little bags with a granola bar, a Gatorade and perhaps a fruit cup for the homeless. I'd also like to be intentional in doing so. It is an important step in my faith that I articulate why I serve, why I love, why I give--it is all because of Jesus. Thus I hope to include "in the name and hope of Christ" with each bag.
3. put together my filing cabinet
I have no good way to organize my important documents. This is a shame because my night stand is a wooden filing cabinet. I want to make good use of it, and aid to my sanity!
4. be more intentional with my time
Spend my time doing things that I find important. In my bible and prayer. Maintaining and building relationships, which includes catching up with good friends, spending time keeping in touch with my brothers and Kenia and Jose, getting to know people in my community through community groups at my church and volunteering at a women's shelter (more on this in a future post!).
5. keep trying new things, and being content being me
Self explanatory. Mostly an attitude thing!
6. create practices that will serve future me
This includes all of the above New Years Resolutions and maintaining and improving my body through healthy exercise, nutritious food, sufficient sleep and an overall positive lifestyle (including attitude!).
What do you think, can I do it? Will you hold me accountable (with love of course!)?
Do you have New Years Resolutions? Remember...it's never to late!
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